On the way up for some added interest we decided to solo the burn which runs down from Corie na Ciste. This is mostly a very easy angled ice slope but has a nice steepening just before the top to keep you on your toes (or points!) The ice here was very hard and brittle. A few axe swings caused fractures a good meter or so long and there was lots of dinner plating!
Me at the top of the Corie Burn
After this we headed over to the gully where another team was already making their way up the first pitch. The ice here was much softer with some water running down it which made for some more secure feeling climbing. I lead up the 1st pitch which Geoff quickly followed and the we decided to escape via a nice exposed traverse as neither of us were feeling on top form
The team ahead on the 1st pitch
My quickdraw froze solid!
Photos courtesy of Geoff as i forgot my camera!